Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sacred Tuesday!

Well, here I am again on my blessed Tuesday. My routine is to get the kids off to the in-laws, do whatever needs to be done around the house, fix supper, and sit down to watch a little TV...namely:

Now, I must admit that this post might look a little familiar because I have a bit of the same conflict this week as I did last week...and it involves namely:

I'm very loyal to both of these competitions, so I think that I will probably record American Idol so that I'm sure not to miss anything, but I might have to at least flip over a couple of times to check on the phone numbers should I decide to vote!! It is just so rare that we're able to watch the Marlins on TV in Florence that can't not watch!! Either way, it'll be a nice, quiet evening at home. I feel like I am a little selfish with my Tuesdays. A lot of times...tonight being one of those times...there are things scheduled on Tuesday nights that I feel like I need to go to (i.e., baby showers), but I just can't bring myself to give up my Tuesday! It's not even about the TV watching...it's about being home with no kids and my husband actually here! That is SO rare! Most of my girlfriends act as if they would do the same thing, so I guess that makes me feel better. I usually buy a gift and send it to the shower...isn't that the most important thing anyway?! HA!

I wish a I had a picture to post of my sweet Brady. He got his hair cut today and didn't behave very well...that is until we spotted a rack on the wall containing packs of cashews. Yes, cashews! He LOVES them. So, I told him that he could have some if he would straighten up, and that did it. He's got a sweet, summer haircut. The poor boy has hair woes...a double crown and a cowlick. About the best thing for it is to keep it short. I'm sure there will be a picture to come soon.

Hope you all enjoy your Tuesday as much as I know I will!! Did I mention that when my in-laws bring the kids home, they've had baths! Yippie!

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