Thursday, July 06, 2006

What The...?

OK, I really thought that I wouldn't be posting any more about my wrist, but here goes! I had to go back to the doctor today for a follow up. It's been six weeks. It is doing really well, still a little sore, but over all, better than before the surgery. So, when I went 2 weeks after surgery, he told me that he wanted me to be massaging the scar to keep it from fusing into place. I've been doing least once a day. So, when I get to the office today, I didn't really know what to expect. I thought he might comment about the fact that there still seemed to be a little swelling around the scar, but that was about all I could imagine. So, much to my surprise, and dismay, he commented that the center of the scar was a little "stuck." He said, "Now, that's not a huge deal, you could live with it, but I'd like for it to be perfect, wouldn't you?" I said, "Yes, that would be nice." So, he continues by telling me that if I would let him give me a cortisone shot IN MY SCAR that it would loosen it up. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! I gotta tell you people, I've had this shot twice before, and it isn't pleasant. Now, I've had the stinking surgery, and the last thing I expected was to ever have to have another one of those shots. Well, I can handle it one more time, I guess. So, the nurse comes in and preps me for the shot, the doctor comes in and sprays it with the very cold "numbing" liquid, and proceeds to shoot... it was hellish! Can I say that?? Much worse than ANY of the others that I've ever had. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, he takes the needle out and says, "I'm going to put one in the other side now!" SO, two doses in two areas of my scar. But it's over, and I didn't even cry. He hand me my paperwork and tells me he'll see me in a month. He wants me to really give the 'ol scar a work out now...massaging it like CRAZY so that it will loosen up and not fuse. Fine...

Fast forward one minute. I take my paperwork out to the check out desk ready to hand it to the receptionist to file and make me another appointment. There were 3 ladies up there and they were all busy. I stood there waiting. One lady said, "I'll be right with you." Ok, that's fine, but I'm feeling a little nauseated. No big deal, it'll pass. Wait a minute, it is hot as blazes in here... and why am I feeling like there's someone standing on my chest? You know what, I think I'll have a seat! So, as I'm backing up about to take seat in the chair against the wall, the lady said, "I can help you now." I said, "You know, I think I need to sit down for a second." She looked really concerned and said, "Do I need to get you a nurse?" Nah, I'm fine, I thought as I continued to fan. Meanwhile, she proceeded to go get a nurse (whom I happen to go to church with). She took one look at me and went to get me a cold rag. They were all talking about how pale I was. After I sat there a minute, she asked me if I felt like walking back to a room where I could lie I did. It was all SO strange. She said that sometimes those shots can do that to a person, but I thought it was weird that it was the third time I'd had the shot and it had never bothered me before. It would've almost been funny if it wasn't so embarrassing! So, there's my fun story for the day! Strange, strange happenings. I still haven't figured it out. I'm not one to have reactions like that to anything, usually. I passed out once a long time ago from getting too hot, but it wasn't quite the same. That time, my hearing went, and then my sight, and boom...I was slumped against a wall. This was strange. All I knew was that I better sit down. I thought, "Either I'm about to pass out or I'm having a heart attack." Luckily, it wasn't the latter! The whole ordeal only lasted about 10 minutes or a little more...I'm not one to let people to make a big fuss over I agreed to lay down just long enough to please the nurses! All is wrist bled like nobody's business! I had to change to band-aid as soon as I got home. Gross, huh? SO, if you see me, please remind me to be "manipulating my scar" (as the doctor so eloquently put it!!).


Gena said...

you win- i will be happy i spent the day with 25 7-14 year olds...
i hate shots!

Cristin Claire said...

Wow, that stinks!!! I've actually never passed out before but it sounds very scary. And don't even get me started on shots... I have an extreme fear of needles- you are now my hero!