Friday, July 07, 2006

More To Come

Just so you know, this will be the first post about Macy's birthday. Her actual birthday is Sunday, but her party is tomorrow. As many of you know, I started making her cakes from day I sit here, I'm thinking about posting pictures of them all...and I just might. Her first year was was just a small heart.

Second year, Cinderella.

Third year, Dora, although because of her obviously very dark skin, my brother affectionately named her Tomeka the Explorer!!

Fourth year, a butterfly...probably about my faviorite so far.

And...coming soon to her fifth birthday the least detailed, but no less time consuming.....SOCCER BALL!
I've let her pick out her cakes every year, and this year, after UPWARD soccer, she was very hung up on the soccer ball. She loves it, and it thrills me that she seems so appreciative of the hard work. It melted my heart on her second birthday (my first attempt at a birthday cake, and I had to do Cinderella) when someone asked her what her favorite part of her party was...and this was AFTER she had opened all her gifts, and she still said, "My cake." That made the arthritis in my hands worth it! I know that we'll have more pictures to post from the party tomorrow, so just get ready! Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Gena said...

too cute- you should check into working at sugarbakers girl, you got it going on