Thursday, June 28, 2007

50 Things About Me

OK...I can't believe I got tagged! Thanks a lot Cristin! I really thought I could avoid this one! we go. Get ready to be bored!

1. I spend WAAAAY too much time on the computer.
2. I love to cook...
3. Especially bake.
4. Macy will be 6 next month, and Brady will be 4 in December, and I've made all their birthday cakes so far.
5. They were (in this order): a heart, a duck, Cinderella, a tractor, Dora, Lightning McQueen, a butterfly, a soccer ball, and coming next month...a palm tree.
6. At some point, you have been, or will be, forced to look at pictures of my baking adventures on my blog!
7. I LOVE Disney World!!!!!
8. I LOOOOVE the beach!
9. We went to Gulf Shores with the same group of friends every summer for probably 12-15 years.
10. I've got some BIG 'OL calf muscles ;o)
11. My parents and in-laws both have swimming pools.
12. We swim 4-5 times a week during the summer.
13. I could eat Chick Fil A three meals a day
14. My circle of friends is SO important to me.
15. I crave more weekend getaways with "my girls"
16. I love, love, LOVE to sing.
17. The radio in my car is NEVER off.
18. I can't imagine my life without music.
19. I have a newfound addiction to Karen Kingsbury books.
20. I love mechanical pencils
21. My favorite music is 70's and 80's.
22. I'm not ashamed to admit that I love both Barry Manilow and the Carpenters.
23. I feel like no one gives a rip about what I'm saying right now.
24. I LOOOOVE flip flops!!!
25. We'll be leaving for the beach on my 31st birthday.
27. Water is one of my favorite drinks.
28. I can still do a darn good toe touch off the diving board!
29. I loved being a cheerleader in high school.
30. At "Who's Who" in high school, I got Best School Spirit.
31. I regret not going away to college.
32. I'm so anal about squeezing the tube from the bottom that I bought one of those contraptions that slides on the end of the toothpaste tube.
33. I've worshipped at the same congregation for 22 years.
34. My dad has been the worship leader there for those 22 years.
35. We lived in Atlanta for 6 weeks between my kindergarten and 1st grade year.
36. I went to the same school from K-12th grade.
37. I'm still good friends with some of my friends from kindergarten.
38. I am EXTREMELY sarcastic!
39. I'm very close to my mom.
40. I went from having no nieces or nephews to having 2 sweet nephews within 2 weeks of each other.
41. I hate putting away clean laundry.
42. I love BIG Cheez-its.
43. My cell phone is pink.
44. The toilet paper HAS TO roll over the TOP of the roll.
45. I'm TOTALLY addicted to General Hospital...yes, I said that out loud!
46. I HATE dishonesty--what a cop-out. Just tell the truth!
47. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing my children's accomplishments.
48. I took piano lessons for 9 years.
49. Everytime I buy a bottle of vitamins for myself (other than when I was on pre-natals), I forget to take them and they expire.
50. My #1 goal in life is to raise 2 good christian children.

Alright...there you have it. Now, it's your turn Amy B...and while I'm tagging, go for it Scarlett!


Scarlett said...

Thanks Meredith--I wish we could have more girlie getaways only without the stress! I have one of those toothpaste things too, and every time--I mean EVERY time I see anything with flip flops on it, I want to buy it for you! :)

Gina said...

Love those!! Ha - I have the toothpaste thing, too! And, I have had some clean laundry at the end of my bed for over a week now - I can't force myself to put it away!
Love you!

Unknown said...

YAAAAAYYYYYY for flip flops!!

Kimberly said...


Scarlett said...

They don't have Chic-fil-A in Chicago where John's aunt lives. That's what she eats just about every day when she comes to visit here. It's SO good!

Cristin Claire said...

See, that wasn't so bad, was it? I also knew a lot of these things about you! Thanks for being a good sport... I for one found your fun facts very interesting :)

Anonymous said...

oh wow- you'll have to give me a few days on this one....