Thursday, August 03, 2006

My Girls

Well, I have posted a "girlfriends" post before, but I wanted to share another couple of quotes that one of "my girls" sent in a recent email. I trust that we all know the joy and importance of having strong relationships with other women, and I'm SO blessed to have a circle of friends that are so special to me. These quotes really made me appreciate those friendships.

"What matters is that you have a small chorus of female voices to speak into
your life. A group of women who know that your life and each of theirs
matters. A group of women who are invested in helping you and every other
member make a difference."

" A band of sisters who carry deep values and who watch over one another in
love, is stronger than any woman on her own."

Thank you, God, for bringing such special, strong women into my life!!

1 comment:

Amy F said...

I wanna be the bony one on the bottom left? :)