Monday, October 26, 2009

Maintaining Perspective

It is important to look at things from God's point of view. I Cor. 4:6 (The Message)

If a temporary loss of perspective has left you worried, exhausted, or both, it's time to readjust your thought patterns. Negative thoughts are habit-forming; thankfully, so are positive ones. With practice, you can form the habit of focusing on God's priorities and your possibilities. When you do, you'll soon discover that you will spend less time fretting about your challenges and more time praising God for His gifts.

When you call upon the Lord and prayerfully seek His will, He will give you wisdom and perspective. When you make God's priorities your priorities, He will direct your steps and calm your fears. So today and every day hereafter, pray for a sense of balance and perspective. And remember; no problems are too big for God--and that includes yours.

The Bible is a remarkable commentary on perspective. Through its divine message, we are brought face to face with issues and tests in daily living and how, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to respond positively to them. -Luci Swindoll

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Great blog. Glad you are on here!!!
Have a GREAT day!
Hey Macy and Brady :)