Tuesday, March 06, 2007

C'mon, Vogue!

Well, I just thought I'd post a couple of new pics of my little drama queen. She's just found her sunglasses that she'd lost, so she wants to wear them all the time now....here she is posing:

There will be pics of the drama KING coming soon. For now, I'll just tell y'all a story. It's funny, but not really. I guess it just sounds funny and very typical BOY! When I picked him up from pre-school today, his teacher said that he and a couple of other little boys had to sit in time-out for wrestling on the playground! WHAT? If Macy had to sit in time-out for any reason at school, it would just kill her! I guess this is what I have to look forward to. I had a little chat with him. He told me that it hurt his feelings when he had to sit in time-out. Well, guess what? Don't do anything that's going to make you have to sit in time-out, son!! He now knows the good 'ol "if you get in trouble at school, you'll get in trouble at home" rule!

One last funny about him....now, keep in mind he's THREE. Today, I asked him if he wanted me to send $1 for pizza or if he wanted me to pack his lunch. He informed me that he wanted me to pack his lunch because "I don't feel like pizza today." Sheesh!


becky said...

"i don't feel like pizza" are words that will never cross the lips of luke tucker. he eats it in some form every day. he lives off of that and spaghetti. that being said, seth hates both of them, usually. now sometimes he will give in, but they are about to kill me with the pickiness and being completely opposite about it.

Unknown said...

Ugh!!!!!! She is getting too big. So grown. I can't stand it. She cracks me up though. Tell them both I miss them and can't wait to see them.


Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

how cute. that story of lil man cracks me up too. can't wait for those wrestling episodes!